Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Checklist of birds (and other wildlife) reported to Churnet Valley Wildlife between January and May 2014.

Birds, mammals and other wildlife records sent in to Churnet Valley Wildlife 2014. KEY 1 = present; EW Fm. = East Wall Farm, Oakamoor; DHCP = Deep Hayes Country Park; NR= Nature Reserve; Chedd. = Cheddleton; W Hills = Weaver Hills; HHP = Hales Hall Pool; H. Junct = Hazlehurst Junction (Caldon Canal); DD = Dimmingsdale ; Titt. = Tittesworth Res. First record/sighting = first report in CV in 2014
2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December
Barn owl

Black-headed gull 1 1 1 1

Blackbird 1 1 1 1 1


First sighting 12/04/14 Titt. 1

Blue tit 1 1 1 1 1

Brambling 1
Flock in Brough Park NR Alton and Kingsley

Bullfinch 1 1 1 1 male Titt. Res. 1

Buzzard 1 1 1 1 1

Canada Goose 1 1 1 1 1

Carrion Crow 1 1 1 1 1

Chaffinch 1 1 1 1 1

Chiff Chaff

Dimmingsdale First report DD 05/04/14 1

Coal Tit 1 1 1 1 1

Collared Dove 1 1 Leek 1 1

Common Gull 1 Tittesworth Tittesworth Res.

Common Sandpiper

Titt Res.

Coot 1 1 1 1 1

Cormorant 1
on Caldon Canal, Denford Titt.. Res. 1


flcok of c30 26/04/14


first report 22/04/14 Roaches Estate 03/05/14 + Swineholes Wood NR +along Caldon Canal between Endon and Denford

6 at Tittesworth Pair seen between Endon and Denford nr. H. Junct 2 pairs + Kingsley nr. H.Junct 1 pair + Titt. Res. + Coombes Valley


Oakamoor area (and EW Fm.)


Dunnock 1 1 1 1 1

Fieldfare 1 1 Weaver hills + Kingsley


Poss. Titt Res.

Garden Warbler

first seen 05/05/14 but probably here earlier


Goldcrest 1 1 1 1 1


Goldfinch 1 1 1 1 1

Goosander 1 1 1 canal Chedd. female with young Titt. 17/05/14


Grasshopper Warbler

First sighting 24/04/14 H. Junct.

Great black backed Gull

c4 flew over Oakamoor

Great Crested Grebe 1

pair displaying HHP + pairs Titt. Res. Titt. Res. + Rudyard Lake

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 1 1 1 1

Great Tit 1 1 1 1 1

Green Woodpecker 1
1 nr. Denford + Kingsley + Titt. Res. 1

Greenfinch 1 1 1 1 1

Grey Heron 1 1 1 1 juvs. Titt.

Grey Partridge kingsley

Grey Wagtail 1
Oakamoor area and Caldon Canal near Endon nr. H. Junct. fledgelings Titt. 03/05/14

Greylag Goose
6 at Tittesworth
Titt. Res. Titt. Res.

Herring Gull 1


House Martin

firstreport near H. Junct. 14/04/14 1

House Sparrow 1 1 1 1 1

Jackdaw 1 Numerous reported inc. flock of 50 over Morrison's CP, Cheadle numerous(up to140) reported gathered in the Cheadle area 1 1

Jay 1 1 1 1 1

Kestrel 1
nr Endon 1 1


EW Fm. And Brough Park fields NR Endon

Lapwing 1 Tittesworth, 1 near Denford Titt. Res.

Lesser black backed Gull 1 1 1 1 flying over R. Lake

Lesser Redpoll kingsley Tittesworth Dimmingsdale and Kingsley c20 Titt. Res.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

Lesser Whitethroat


Little Grebe 1 1

Little Owl kingsley Coombes Valley NR and Crowgutter Wood NR

Long-eared Owl

Long-tailed Tit 1 1 1 1 1

Magpie 1 1 1 1 1

Mallard 1 1 1 ducklings on C. canal Denford 1

Mandarin Duck

Oakamoor area 1 male Titt. Res. Titt. Res.

Marsh Tit kingsley Tittesworth Tittesworth Res. And Kingsley

Meadow Pipit

W. Hills and O/moor

Merlin East Wall Fm. 1

Mistle thrush 1 1 1 Denford Titt. Res. + 3 (poss family) at Hazlehurst Junct.

Moorhen 1 1 1 1 1

Mute swan
1 Brough park 2 Brough Park
Titt. Res.

Nuthatch 1 1 1 1 1

Oyster Catcher

Pair near Cheddleton two Titt. Res 3 young Titt. 17/05/14 + two (poss pair) at R. Lake

Peregrine Endon/Denford

between Cheadle and Oakamoor

Pheasant 1 1 1 1 1

Pied Flycatcher

RSPB Coombes Valley + Harston Wood Swineholes Wood + Coombes Valley

Pied Wagtail 1

1 1

Pochard Tittesworth 1 Tittesworth Res.

Raven 1 1 1 1 1

Red Grouse

Red Kite
x2 flew over Froghall

Red-legged Partridge




R. Lake

Redwing 1 1 Weaver hills

Reed Bunting 1 1 Denfiord and EW Fm. Titt. Res. Ttt. Res. + R. Lake

Reed Warbler

Ringed Plover

Titt. Res.

Ring Ouzel

Robin 1 1 1 1 1

Rock dove/feral pigeon 1


Rook 1
1 1 1

Sand Martin

First sighting 03/04/14 HHP

Sedge Warbler

First sighting 24/04/114 H. Junct. 1

Short-eared Owl


4 Brough park and Tittesworth Res. Oakamoor area 1

Weaver Hills Weaver hills

Snipe 1 1 1 Titt.. Res. Titt. Res.

Song Thrush 1 1 1 1 1

Sparrowhawk 1 1 Brough park 1 near Denford Consall + Kingsley + BP

Spotted Flycatcher

Titt. Res.

Starling 1 1 1000+ W. Hills 1 1

Stock Dove

Endon Endon



First sighting 02/04/14 4 EW Fm. Next sighting 03/04/14 HHP and 07/04/14 at Kingsley 1


first sighting Endon 04/05/14

Tawny Owl kingsley
nr Cheddleton nr H. Junct. + Harston Wood Consall NP + near Titt. Res. + Cheadle town = swineholes Wood NR

Teal 1 1 DHCP and near Chedd. And near Ednon 26/03/14 C 2 pairs Titt. Res.

Tree Creeper 1 1 1 1 1

Tree Pipit

Tree Sparrow kingsley only Kingsley only Kingsley only Endon

Tufted Duck 1 1 Deep Hayes CP, Titt. Res. , Brough Park. 1 1 on caldon canal between endon and denford also Titt. Res.

Water Rail



Near H. Jnct. (disused railway line)


first report 114/04/14 near H.Junct. 1

Wigeon 1

Willow Tit

R. Lake

Willow Warbler

First report 05/04/14 DD 1

Woodpigeon 1 1 1 1 1

Wood Warbler

nr. Oakamoor nr. Oakamoor

Woodcock East Wall Fm.

Consall NP

Wren 1 1 1 1 1

Yellow Wagtail


Little Egret Brough Park Field NR 1 Brough Park

Greater Scaup tittesworth

Lesser Scaup tittesworth

Titt. Res. (prob. Breeding|)


Kingsley Kingsley

Mole 1 1 1 1 1

Water Shrew

Lesser Horseshoe Bat

Natterer's Bat

Daubenton's Bat

Leisler's Bat

Common Pipistrelle

Rabbit 1 1 1 1 1

Brown Hare 1 1 Denfiord + Kingsley Titt. Res.+ near Denford + Kingsley 1 Titt. Res. + Swineholes Wood NR

Mountain Hare

Red Squirrel

Grey Squirrel 1 1 1 1 1

Bank Vole 1

Short-tailed Vole 1

Water Vole

Wood Mouse 1

Yellow-necked Mouse

Harvest Mouse

House Mouse

Brown Rat 1



Fox 1

1 between Cheadle and Oakamoor

Pine Marten


EW Fm.



American Mink

denford near Denford

sett rocester latrine Kingsley + Footprints – Oakamoor


Red Deer

footprints Coombes Valley+ animal seen near Ipstones

Fallow Deer kingsley 1

Roe Deer


Red Necked Wallaby

Brimstone Butterfly


Peacock butterfly

EW Fm.

Comma Butterfly

EW Fm.


EW Fm.

Green Veined White Butterfly


Small Heath Butterfly

Weaver Hills

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